ظهور العذراء مريم فى فاتيما - البرتغال
ظهرت العذراء مريم فى قرية فقيرة هى فاتيما فى البرتغال فى 13 مايو 1917 ، وشاهدها ثلاثة أطفال من رعاة الغنم و هم : لوتشيا دوسانتوس 10 سنوات (الأولى من الشمال) وهى أكبر الثلاثة، ومعها أبناء عمومتها .. فرانشيسكو مارتو 9 سنوات و جاسنتا مارتو 7 سنوات .
ظهورات العذراء مريم فى فاتيما :
المرة الأولى : 13 مايو 1917 ووعدت بظهور أخر ومعجزة عظيمة .
المرة الثاية : فى يوم 13 يوليو 1917 تجمع الشعب وعددهم 70 ألفاً فى مرعى الخراف الذى غمرته مياه الأمطار، وحدثت معجزة كبرى، فتحولت الشمس إلى كرة من النار .. ظهرت ثم أخذت تغوص فى الأرض، فأصيب الناس بالفزع وظن الكثيرون أنهم سيلقون حتفهم .. وبعد 12 دقيقة عادت الشمس إلى وضعها الطبيعى وتبخرت مياه الأمطار ، وجفت ثياب الشعب، وكانت هذه الظاهرة الشمسية علامة لها عظمتها فقد أيدت جدية الرسائل التى تنبأت بها العذراء مريم فى ظهورها السابق (13 مايو) . وحدث ظهور العذراء مريم وأعطت للأطفال الثلاثة 3 أسرار .
(صورة للمعجزة الشمسية التى حدثت - فاتيما - البرتغال 13 أكتوبر 1917)
وفى 13 أكتوبر 1917 كان ظهورها السادس والأخير، وأنضم فى هذا الظهور 50 ألف من الشعب لمشاهدة العذراء مريم .
وقد أبلغت العذراء مريم فى أحد ظهوراتها للأطفال الثلاثة أن جاسنتا و فرانشيسكو لن يمكثوا كثيراً، بينما لوتشيا لها مهمة أخرى .. و بالفعل توفى كل من جاسنتا وفرانشيسكو فى سن صغير بمرض الإنفلونزا .. وبقت لوتشيا و هى راهبة حتى اليوم .
و الأسرار هى : نبوة عن قيام حرب عالمية ثانية، وسقوط الشيوعية فى روسيا فيما بعد ، والثانية رؤيا لمنظر جهنم المفزع ، والسر الثالث أبلغته لوتشيا للفاتيكان سنة 1940 (اقرأ هنا السر الثالث بعد أن قرر الفاتيكان الأفصاح عنه يوم 26 يونيو 2000 - أنجليزى)
وفى يوم 31 مايو 2000 حملت لنا الأخبار : "صدور قرار بابوى بأعتبار الثلاثة أطفال الذين شاهدوا العذراء مريم فى فاتيما قديسين" .
وقد علقت الراهبة لوتشيا على سر أنهيار الشيوعية فى رويسا :
ظهرت العذراء مريم فى قرية فقيرة هى فاتيما فى البرتغال فى 13 مايو 1917 ، وشاهدها ثلاثة أطفال من رعاة الغنم و هم : لوتشيا دوسانتوس 10 سنوات (الأولى من الشمال) وهى أكبر الثلاثة، ومعها أبناء عمومتها .. فرانشيسكو مارتو 9 سنوات و جاسنتا مارتو 7 سنوات .
ظهورات العذراء مريم فى فاتيما :
المرة الأولى : 13 مايو 1917 ووعدت بظهور أخر ومعجزة عظيمة .
المرة الثاية : فى يوم 13 يوليو 1917 تجمع الشعب وعددهم 70 ألفاً فى مرعى الخراف الذى غمرته مياه الأمطار، وحدثت معجزة كبرى، فتحولت الشمس إلى كرة من النار .. ظهرت ثم أخذت تغوص فى الأرض، فأصيب الناس بالفزع وظن الكثيرون أنهم سيلقون حتفهم .. وبعد 12 دقيقة عادت الشمس إلى وضعها الطبيعى وتبخرت مياه الأمطار ، وجفت ثياب الشعب، وكانت هذه الظاهرة الشمسية علامة لها عظمتها فقد أيدت جدية الرسائل التى تنبأت بها العذراء مريم فى ظهورها السابق (13 مايو) . وحدث ظهور العذراء مريم وأعطت للأطفال الثلاثة 3 أسرار .
(صورة للمعجزة الشمسية التى حدثت - فاتيما - البرتغال 13 أكتوبر 1917)
وفى 13 أكتوبر 1917 كان ظهورها السادس والأخير، وأنضم فى هذا الظهور 50 ألف من الشعب لمشاهدة العذراء مريم .
وقد أبلغت العذراء مريم فى أحد ظهوراتها للأطفال الثلاثة أن جاسنتا و فرانشيسكو لن يمكثوا كثيراً، بينما لوتشيا لها مهمة أخرى .. و بالفعل توفى كل من جاسنتا وفرانشيسكو فى سن صغير بمرض الإنفلونزا .. وبقت لوتشيا و هى راهبة حتى اليوم .
و الأسرار هى : نبوة عن قيام حرب عالمية ثانية، وسقوط الشيوعية فى روسيا فيما بعد ، والثانية رؤيا لمنظر جهنم المفزع ، والسر الثالث أبلغته لوتشيا للفاتيكان سنة 1940 (اقرأ هنا السر الثالث بعد أن قرر الفاتيكان الأفصاح عنه يوم 26 يونيو 2000 - أنجليزى)
وفى يوم 31 مايو 2000 حملت لنا الأخبار : "صدور قرار بابوى بأعتبار الثلاثة أطفال الذين شاهدوا العذراء مريم فى فاتيما قديسين" .
وقد علقت الراهبة لوتشيا على سر أنهيار الشيوعية فى رويسا :
In largely unknown remarks, Sister Lucia states her views on the consecration of Russia
For decades now debate has swirled over a request made by the Virgin of Fatima that Russia be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart. We don't want to involve ourselves in this debate but below will simply present the transcript provided by a Fatima museum researcher, Carlos Evaristo, who served as a translator during crucial meetings in 1992 and 1993 between the only living Fatima seer, Lucia dos Santos, and contingents headed by Cardinal Antony Padiyara of Ernaculam, India, on October 11, 1992, and another exactly a year later by Cardinal Ricardo Vidal of the Philippines. The transcripts were recently re-transcribed.
The issue has long been contentious among groups in the United States and elsewhere. We can only present what is reported to us. Here is Lucia's exchange with Cardinal Padiyara (as well as Evaristo, who recorded the encounters):
Cardinal Padiyara: "When I return home to my diocese, people will ask me many things, among which will be if the consecration of Russia has already been done according to the request made by Our Lady. Was this accomplished by Pope John Paul II on March 25 of 1984?"
Sister Lucia: "Yes, yes, yes. The consecration was already partially done. Pope Pius XII made it in 1942, on October 31, but it lacked the union with all the bishops of the world, which Pope John Paul II finally managed to unite in 1984."
When asked about those bishops who didn't participate -- long an objection of those who assert that the consecration was not accomplished -- Sister Lucia said only, "We cannot say that these bishops that did not participate committed a sin or a fault. The majority of the bishops were united to the Pope in this act. The people, worldwide, in every diocese, were united to the bishops and the bishops in turn to the Pope. So, this consecration was a great union of the people of God. It was all of this that made this consecration accepted."
Evaristo: "But did not Russia have to be specifically mentioned, and did not Our Lady say that?"
Sister Lucia: "The Pope's intention was Russia, when he said, `Those peoples...' in the text of the 1984 consecration. Those who knew of the request for the consecration of Russia, knew what he was referring to as did God Who is all-knowledgeable and can read the minds of men. God knew that the Pope's intention was Russia and that he meant `Russia' in the consecration. What is important is the intention, like when a priest has the intention to consecrate a host."
Evaristo: "But didn't Our Lady want Russia to be specifically mentioned?"
Sister Lucia: "Our Lady never requested that Russia be specifically mentioned by name. At the time I didn't even know what Russia was. We thought she was a very wicked woman. What matters is the Pope's intention and the bishops knew the intention the Pope had was to consecrate Russia."
Bishop Francis Michaelappa of Mysore, India: "In that case, there is no need to consecrate Russia again?"
Sister Lucia: "There is no need to consecrate Russia again, but each bishop can consecrate his own diocese to the Immaculate Heart of Mary if he wants to."
"Our Lady is content and has accepted it?"
Sister Lucia: "Yes," adding in her 1993 interview with a contingent from the Philippines that the consecration "prevented an atomic war that would have occurred in 1985."
Evaristo: "Has the conversion of Russia then taken place?" she was asked by Evaristo.
Sister Lucia: "Yes. The news speaks for itself."
Evaristo adds that the entire world was consecrated and not just Russia because by 1984 Russia had already infected the world with its errors.
For decades now debate has swirled over a request made by the Virgin of Fatima that Russia be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart. We don't want to involve ourselves in this debate but below will simply present the transcript provided by a Fatima museum researcher, Carlos Evaristo, who served as a translator during crucial meetings in 1992 and 1993 between the only living Fatima seer, Lucia dos Santos, and contingents headed by Cardinal Antony Padiyara of Ernaculam, India, on October 11, 1992, and another exactly a year later by Cardinal Ricardo Vidal of the Philippines. The transcripts were recently re-transcribed.
The issue has long been contentious among groups in the United States and elsewhere. We can only present what is reported to us. Here is Lucia's exchange with Cardinal Padiyara (as well as Evaristo, who recorded the encounters):
Cardinal Padiyara: "When I return home to my diocese, people will ask me many things, among which will be if the consecration of Russia has already been done according to the request made by Our Lady. Was this accomplished by Pope John Paul II on March 25 of 1984?"
Sister Lucia: "Yes, yes, yes. The consecration was already partially done. Pope Pius XII made it in 1942, on October 31, but it lacked the union with all the bishops of the world, which Pope John Paul II finally managed to unite in 1984."
When asked about those bishops who didn't participate -- long an objection of those who assert that the consecration was not accomplished -- Sister Lucia said only, "We cannot say that these bishops that did not participate committed a sin or a fault. The majority of the bishops were united to the Pope in this act. The people, worldwide, in every diocese, were united to the bishops and the bishops in turn to the Pope. So, this consecration was a great union of the people of God. It was all of this that made this consecration accepted."
Evaristo: "But did not Russia have to be specifically mentioned, and did not Our Lady say that?"
Sister Lucia: "The Pope's intention was Russia, when he said, `Those peoples...' in the text of the 1984 consecration. Those who knew of the request for the consecration of Russia, knew what he was referring to as did God Who is all-knowledgeable and can read the minds of men. God knew that the Pope's intention was Russia and that he meant `Russia' in the consecration. What is important is the intention, like when a priest has the intention to consecrate a host."
Evaristo: "But didn't Our Lady want Russia to be specifically mentioned?"
Sister Lucia: "Our Lady never requested that Russia be specifically mentioned by name. At the time I didn't even know what Russia was. We thought she was a very wicked woman. What matters is the Pope's intention and the bishops knew the intention the Pope had was to consecrate Russia."
Bishop Francis Michaelappa of Mysore, India: "In that case, there is no need to consecrate Russia again?"
Sister Lucia: "There is no need to consecrate Russia again, but each bishop can consecrate his own diocese to the Immaculate Heart of Mary if he wants to."
"Our Lady is content and has accepted it?"
Sister Lucia: "Yes," adding in her 1993 interview with a contingent from the Philippines that the consecration "prevented an atomic war that would have occurred in 1985."
Evaristo: "Has the conversion of Russia then taken place?" she was asked by Evaristo.
Sister Lucia: "Yes. The news speaks for itself."
Evaristo adds that the entire world was consecrated and not just Russia because by 1984 Russia had already infected the world with its errors.
صورة حديثة لبابا الفاتيكان مع الراهبة لوتشيا :
صورة لبابا الفاتيكان وهو يصلى داخل مزار فاتيما - أثناء القرار البابوى بأعتبار الأطفال الثلاثة قديسين .
13 مايو 2001 - صورة لأكثر من نصف مليون زائر أتى لفاتيما فى البرتغال فى ذكرى ظهور العذراء مريم :
Fatima in News :
CNN : Pope beatifies shepherd children in Fatima
BBC : Children who saw a vision
BBC : Papal blessing for Fatima children أذكرينا أيتها العذراء مريم يا أم النور أمام عرش النعمة .
صورة لبابا الفاتيكان وهو يصلى داخل مزار فاتيما - أثناء القرار البابوى بأعتبار الأطفال الثلاثة قديسين .
13 مايو 2001 - صورة لأكثر من نصف مليون زائر أتى لفاتيما فى البرتغال فى ذكرى ظهور العذراء مريم :
Fatima in News :
CNN : Pope beatifies shepherd children in Fatima
BBC : Children who saw a vision
BBC : Papal blessing for Fatima children أذكرينا أيتها العذراء مريم يا أم النور أمام عرش النعمة .